Lextro is developing therapies that are multi-specific in nature and aim to restore homeostasis mechanisms such that rejuvenation in health can be achieved. Our approach includes:

  • Identification of disease pathways and underlying dysregulated areas for a given indication
  • Restoration of homeostasis in disease governing pathways by combining agonists or antagonists approach while ensuring the utmost safety profile
  • Elimination or minimization of drug-induced debilitating effects by obtaining durable responses to treatment
Advancing Chronic Wound Care

LXT-801 is a bifunctional first-in-class agonist therapeutic molecule developed at Lextro Labs to treat chronic wounds by modulating immune functionality and cell proliferation. This groundbreaking therapy holds immense promise for patients who are immunocompromised viz organ transplant recipients, cancer patients, individuals with diabetes mellitus, and those with HIV/AIDS. By actively engaging the immune system, LXT-801 aims to accelerate wound healing and prevent extreme measures such as limb amputation.

Empowering Cancer Treatment

LXT-108 is a multi-functional first-in-class therapeutic designed to treat metastatic breast and lung cancers. This innovative therapy combines agonistic and antagonistic functionality while engaging active immune  responses. LXT-108 has the potential to override suppressive immune responses and cause targeted cytotoxicity such that durable responses are obtained.

Targeting Immune Suppression in Cancer

LXT-901 is a multifunctional molecule developed to target immune suppressive environments while blocking tumour-driving protein expressions associated with Lung cancer. By addressing both immune  suppression and the underlying mechanisms driving tumour growth, LXT-901 holds potential for improving treatment outcomes in Lung, Pancreatic or Colon cancer patients.


ImCy platform - Advanced Therapeutics for Rejuvenating Life

At the heart of Lextro Labs’ R&D efforts lies our groundbreaking Immune Modulation and Cytotoxicity (ImCy) platform. ImCy generates multi-specific biotherapeutics capable of targeting disease-relevant pathways, by modulating which, triggers synergistic responses, promoting the restoration of homeostasis mechanisms.

Thanks to its plug and play technology, ImCy is a versatile platform with wide therapeutic applications. This allows us to combine various agonistic-antagonistic therapeutics with or without select cytotoxic chemical agents, tailoring treatment options to specific diseases. Our commitment to excellence thrives that the active drug compounds generated through ImCy meet the stringent requirements set by the USFDA in terms of scale and purity.


Patent pending: “A bispecific agonist promotes healing of the wounds”

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